Scius is Latin for knowledge. Our sole purpose is to leverage knowledge to deliver results for our clients.

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Scius is an RACGP accredited education provider

With more than a decade’s experience we have developed a wide range of effective educational activities, including:

  • Active learning modules (online and face-to-face)
  • Clinical audits
  • Journal clubs
  • Category 2 activities (online and face-to-face)
  • Webinars

In addition to GP activities, we develop education activities for other healthcare professionals including specialists, pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, nurses and optometrists.

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Scius – 2021 Prime Awards Winner for Excellence in Education

We are extremely proud of winning the 2021 Prime award for Excellence in Education for the RACGP Accredited CPD activity the virtual Cancer Pain Management Master Class. This award reflects our ability to develop effective, high-calibre education that advances clinical practice and helps improve patient care.

Education that contributes to growth

Continuing professional development represents a rich opportunity to advance your market. Activities developed by Scius consistently deliver both educational and business results.

For example, one of our online CPD activities more than doubled GP recommendation rates for the sponsor’s product after completing the activity compared to pre-activity recommendation rates. In addition, recommendation rates by pharmacists were even higher which is significant as the medication is available without a prescription.

With the current GP triennium and the increased need for GPs to earn reviewing performance and measuring outcome CPD hours, Scius has developed several successful mini audits and interactive case studies to meet these needs. These not only earn GPs valued CPD hours, but are drivers of practice change. In addition, mini audits are a rich source of data that can be used to drive claims development, through peer review publication of the audit results.

If education is in your strategic mix, contact George at Scius to find out how we can help you achieve your goals whilst delivering quality evidence-based education.

Clients we have worked with include:
