
Each business situation is unique. We create effective solutions to address your specific commercial needs.

Our focus is to develop a deep understanding the evidence behind your brand and therapeutic area and to creatively harness this knowledge to deliver compelling communications that assist you achieve your goals.

Medical Education

Scius is an RACGP accredited QI&CPD provider with more than 20 years’ experience. Our activities are highly interactive, engender behaviour change and advance clinical practice.

We have developed a wide range of educational activities including:

  • Focused 30 minute programmes designed to be conducted during a luncheon meeting
  • Interactive workshops typically 1 to 2 hours in duration that attract both Educational Activity and Reviewing Performance CPD hours
  • Longer (all day) CPD events
  • Mini audits and Clinical audits, earning Measuring Outcome CPD hours
  • Journal clubs
  • Online learning activities that are hosted on CPDEssentials as well as longer activities hosted on bespoke dedicated websites
  • Webinars

Activities have been accredited with peak healthcare colleges, including:

  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
  • Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
  • Australian Pharmacy Council
  • Australian College of Nursing

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Mini Audits and Clinical Audits

Mini audits and Clinical audits are powerful tools for changing clinical practice and generating data. Scius has developed a range of mini audits and clinical audits that have delivered changes in clinical practice and generated new clinical evidence.

Mini audits have a distinct advantage over clinical audits as they only involve a single audit cycle and are easier for GPs to complete, whilst delivering comparable levels of practice change. They are also attractive to GPs as they earn valued Measuring Outcome CPD hours.

We have published the results of several of our audits and these publications have been used to support related educational activities as well as to support claims development.

Examples of our published audits include:

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Healthcare Communications

We develop a full range of medical communications including e-detailers, clinical resources, in-services, case studies, podcasts, videos and patient resources. In addition, we develop training modules for internal users for onboarding new staff and for training sales representatives.

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Medical Writing and Publication Planning

Peer-reviewed published papers are the cornerstone of medical marketing. Scius is experienced in supporting manuscript development. Our processes comply with the highest ethical standards including Good Publication Practice guidelines (GPP 2022). We adopt a flexible approach to match the individual needs of the authors we work with.

Our experience goes beyond medical writing and includes performing literature searches and data extraction to support systematic reviews and meta-analysis.

In addition to supporting the development of manuscripts we can optimise the use of data by developing targeted publication plans.

Publications supported by Scius include:

  • Effectiveness of epoprostenol in the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension: Findings of an Australian retrospective chart review. Intern Med J. 2020;50:1377-1384
    Scius’ role: Medical writer
  • Dose characterization of the investigational anticancer drug tigilanol tiglate (EBC-46) in the local treatment of canine mast cell tumors. Front Vet Sci. 2019;6:106
    Scius’ role: Medical writer
  • Polyethylene glycols with or without electrolytes for constipation in children: A network meta-analysis. Pediatr Ther. 2018;8
    Scius’ role: Author, conducted systematic review, medical writer
  • Transdermal buprenorphine relieves neuropathic pain: a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. Diabetes Care 2016; 39:1493-1500
    Scius’ role: Medical writer
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of polyethylene glycol with and without electrolytes in constipation: a systematic review and network meta-analysis BMC Gastroenterol 2016;16:42
    Scius’ role: Author, conducted systematic review, medical writer
  • Thromboprophylaxis use in medical and surgical inpatients and the impact of an electronic risk assessment tool as part of a multi-factorial intervention. A report on behalf of the elVis study investigators J Thromb Thrombolysis 2011;32:279-287
    Scius’ role: Medical writer
  • Nicotine and nicotine replacement therapy– the facts Australian Pharmacist 2006;25:969-973
    Scius’ role: Medical writer, conducted systematic review

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Claims Development and New Product Evaluations

Developing new news is a key driver of growth. Scius has a well-established effective process that supports the development of new claims and to refresh the communication of existing claims. In addition, we can review the published evidence to substantiate clinical claims as well as assist generating data where there is an evidence gap or a new opportunity.

Scius can also assist companies evaluate new product opportunities by providing an independent evaluation of the product including the relative strength of the clinical evidence behind the medication.

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Key Opinion Leader Development and Advisory Boards

Opinion leader development is often pivotal to brand success – be it through advisory boards, their role as speakers or authors. The strength of such relationships often rests on the ability to balance their need to maintain scientific and professional integrity with your commercial needs.

Scius has a wealth of experience in identifying, engaging and working with key opinion leaders, as well as developing minutes from advisory board meetings that facilitate two way communication between the company and the clinical experts.

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Regulatory Support and Submissions

Scius has developed multiple regulatory submissions to support product registration and scheduling of medications in the Australian and New Zealand markets

The range of regulatory submissions include:

  • Literature-based submissions to register new OTC medications and to extend the indications of existing products.
  • Applications to reschedule medications in both Australia and New Zealand. These rescheduling applications include a world first down scheduling of a NSAID lozenge to general sales, as well as multiple successful down scheduling of medicines to general sale, Schedule 2 and 3.
  • Submissions to address issues raised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) with the use of medications in Australia including the review of paracetamol and opioid analgesic use.

In addition, Scius has written multiple Clinical Expert Reports to support the registration of medical devices.